Maybe you are an individual looking to raise your profile. A business hoping to get noticed and win more customers. A political organisation or pressure group seeking to change behaviour or win support. Or a public sector organisation or charity that receives incoming enquiries from journalists throughout each working day.
Whoever you are and whatever your needs, good media relations can help.
But with such a vast and ever changing environment and so many different media outlets, it can be hard achieving the focus required to get results. That’s where we come in.
Colin Kelly has 16 years experience of working at a very senior level in the UK media. Since 2012, as Managing Director of Comsteria (previously Colin Kelly Media Limited), he has been advising organisations on how to take control of the media and get the results they want.
This often takes the form of training, but where higher level strategy is required, Colin would be pleased to meet with communications teams, leaders and management to work towards an appropriate strategy for your organisation.
Colin knows what journalists want and how they operate. He can tell you the point at which you become ‘a pest’ and can advise on stories and activity that simply will not cut through. This means you can prioritise your efforts and protect your reputation. Crucially, our work with you is based on how the media is today, not how it was 15-20 years ago.
For modern, relevant media relations strategy, get in touch with Comsteria today.