On this page we feature some of the equipment we discuss in our smartphone video training course and podcast production training. We have selected products to suit a range of budgets and objectives.
Please get in touch if you need to discuss things further.
As an Amazon Associate, Comsteria earns from qualifying purchases. That means if you buy something using the links below, Comsteria will make a small commission on each purchase. If you would prefer not to purchase this way, we encourage you to shop around, consider eBay or used kit elsewhere on Amazon and we can also recommend Gear4Music, John Lewis, PCWorld, Reverb and the Apple Store.
Smartphone Microphones
Coming soon.
Podcasting Equipment
This handheld MP3 recorder is a favourite of ours. We use it for podcast recording on location, as well as music production. It’s very flexible and can be used to record on multi track which gives us lots flexibility when we’re editing. There are various models within the ‘Zoom’ recorder range, with various features and benefits. This one takes removable smart cards (similar to those you find in digital cameras) and as well as plugging external microphones into it, you can also use it as a standalone recording unit with its built in mics.
The Roland Podcaster Pro II is a terrific piece of kit. An all in one, self contained podcasting recording solution. We use this in our our media training workshop to simulate the experience of a radio interview. We also use it when recording ’round table’ podcasts with multiple guests. This link is for the Podcast Pro II only, there are packages and deals available from some retailers which also include microphones, mic stands and headphones.
Tripods and Gimbals
Coming soon.
Portable lights and ring lights
This is a high quality, portable light stand from Neewer.
We use this lightweight, portable tripod in our video work. You can use it with smartphones or DSLR cameras and it allows panning and tilting which will bring your video productions to life.
Webinar/Live streaming
Coming soon.
Contact us with any questions.
Once again, Comsteria is an Amazon Associate and earns commission via the links that appear on this page. However, these are products we use in the course of our work and we are happy to recommend them. Products listed here are available elsewhere on Amazon and from other retailers and prices will vary. Shop around and find what’s right for you. We include the products here for convenience because we are often asked what we use and where they can be found and it’s quick and easy to point participants on our training courses to this page.