Comsteria is here to help every organisation communicate more effectively.
To do that on the scale we are determined to, we need help. Maybe YOUR help.
As a fast growing business we are interested in adding to our contacts book of freelancers and associates. If you have skills and experience relating to corporate video production, editing, writing, podcast creation, and delivering training and consultancy, please get in touch.
There’s nothing concrete at the moment but we will have opportunities, sometimes at short notice for the right person.
We are also committed to developing the next generation of the workforce. If you are interested in a career in public relations, or communications consultancy we are pleased to be able to offer both unpaid work experience opportunities and paid internships, as well as informal advice on a career in our sector.
If you know someone who would be interested in any of this please share this post with them and if it’s YOU we should be talking to then please get in touch.