At Comsteria, we deliver media training to build you up, not trip you up.
Somewhere along the line, it seems media training, and perhaps presentation skills training as well, have acquired this reputation as being a rather painful experience.
We know some of our competitors favour an old fashioned approach and we hear phrases such as ‘knock you down and build you back up again’.
We think there’s another way. It’s quite possible to build someone up, develop their skills and confidence when it comes to delivering key messages and giving interviews and show them what can go wrong if they don’t take things seriously and aren’t prepared WITHOUT making participants feel bad or look foolish.
When I’m delivering media training, I can be as robust as you want me to be, and there are situations where we might be preparing for something particularly challenging where I’ll take the role of the toughest journalist you’re likely to encounter. But the vast majority of our work is about situations where the media is not being hostile, but rather acting as an ally, helping you get your message across, because you’re explaining important work or have useful information to get to the public.
So don’t let scare stories or other providers put you off. With media training from Comsteria, you’ll be in safe hands and you won’t have to do anything you don’t want to.
Here’s our founder and media trainer Colin Kelly to explain more in this short video.